OCTOMAR actively pursues a process of acquiring technology and know-how. This is done by the acquisition of state of art equipment, technology and techniques, so that the Company can offer customers the high quality and safe solutions they require, at the same time as meeting the requirements of contracts, codes, standards, specifications and sound industry practices. Nowadays, technology evolves at a quick pace, which not only allows the companies to be more efficient, but also to be more competitive in such dynamic market, as the Oil and Gas. Hence, technology and know-how acquisition is seen as a priority in OCTOMAR´s business strategy.
As such, the Company has recently acquired the following equipment:
1. 1800 Diameter DDC unit.2. 1500 Diameter DDC Unit
OCTOMAR has also put in place an “Asset Planned Maintenance System Procedure” to ensure that all assets that affect safety, quality and/or the environment are maintained in accordance with all applicable international standards, legislation, Company and client requirements / expectations.